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Staking / Unstaking

Follow these steps to begin staking on the QRL Zond testnet.


You must have a running and fully synced zond node (both execution and consensus client) running on the localhost

Download and build the required staking tools

Clone the qrysm repository locally and build the validator client and staking-deposit-cli. Ensure Golang v1.20 is available.

This should be in the same directory as the gzond and beacon-chain files.


git clone
cd qrysm
go1.20 build -o=..\validator.exe .\cmd\validator
go1.20 build -o=..\staking-deposit-cli .\cmd\staking-deposit-cli\deposit

Linux / MacOS

git clone
cd qrysm
gobrew use 1.20.12
go build -o=../validator ./cmd/validator
go build -o=../staking-deposit-cli ./cmd/staking-deposit-cli/deposit
cd ../

Generate a new dilithium staking address

Modify the number of validators (--num-validators) to suit your needs. Each validator requires minimum 40,000 quanta to stake.

./staking-deposit-cli new-seed --num-validators 1

Please note down your Dilithium seed, and write it to a file for the next step. Named staking_wallet.seed in the example below.

Import the new address seed for public key

./gzond-v0.1.0-linux-amd64 --datadir=gzonddata account import staking_wallet.seed

Please note down your Public address (given without the 0x in the response)

Fund the new address

Provide the newly created 0xZond-Address to the #testnet channel in The QRL's Discord chat for a testnet funds request. We will process them manually as we can for now.


If you already posses these funds in another address, transfer them with the gzond console:

zond.sendTransaction({from:'0xFromZondAddress', to:'0xToNewZondAddress', value: web3.toWei(40001.0, "ether"), gas:21000});

Broadcast the staking deposit transaction

./staking-deposit-cli submit --validator-keys-dir=./validator_keys --zond-seed-file= staking_wallet.seed

Import validator wallet

./validator accounts import --keys-dir=validator_keys --wallet-dir gzonddata/keystore/

Start the validator client to begin staking

./validator --datadir=validatordata --accept-terms-of-use --force-clear-db --chain-config-file=config.yml --config-file=config.yml --wallet-dir=wallet-dir

Upon successful connection you will see log files similar to:

[2024-01-17 19:36:11]  INFO validator: Validating for public key publicKey=0x6c6e1dc1a3f7
[2024-01-17 19:36:11]  INFO validator: Validator activated index=513 publicKey=0x6c6e1dc1a3f7

When the node validator becomes active you will see log files similar to:

[2024-01-17 07:33:15]  INFO validator: Attestation schedule attesterDutiesAtSlot=1 pubKeys=[0x6c6e1dc1a3f7] slot=4378 slotInEpoch=26 timeTillDuty=21m0s totalAttestersIn Epoch=1
[2024-01-17 07:54:55]  INFO validator: Submitted new attestations AggregatorIndices=[513] AttesterIndices=[513] BeaconBlockRoot=0xd64ceefa455e CommitteeIndex=0 Slot=4378 SourceEpoch=33 SourceRoot=0x539e0750bcf6 TargetEpoch=34 TargetRoot=0xbb58ae7a93fa

Released under the MIT License.