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Windows Install

This page contains instructions for installing the Zond Testnet #BUIDL Preview on Windows.

Setting up prerequisites

1. Setting up WSL

First, issue the install command.

wsl --install

Restart your system (if WSL is installed first time)

Then, Install Ubuntu-22.04 (Note: Bazel, used in our Private testnet, uses Bazel, which doesn't work on 24.04 as of yet)

wsl --install Ubuntu-22.04 
wsl -d Ubuntu-22.04

Once in the command line, update

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential

2. Installing prerequisites

This requires Docker, brew, yq

Docker Install

sudo snap install docker yq

Setting up docker permission for non-root user

sudo addgroup docker

And reboot the subsystem image


After rebooting the subsystem image, add users to the group

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo usermod -aG docker root

And update the docker.sock user group

sudo chown root:docker /var/run/docker.sock

Install yq

sudo snap install yq

Install Bazel (Choose the right version from

# version 1.25.0 is latest at time of writing; system is linux-amd64
wget -O bazelisk
chmod +x bazelisk
sudo mv bazelisk /usr/local/bin/bazel

Install Kurtosis

echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kurtosis.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install kurtosis-cli

Getting the network up and running

1. Clone the repo & cd into it

git clone -b dev && cd qrysm

2. Running & testing the local Local Private Network

You can easily start and stop the local network by executing the following scripts

To start

bash ./scripts/local_testnet/

To stop

bash ./scripts/local_testnet/

To test the private test network (replace the MAPPED_PORT in the following with port that is mapped to 8545 that you see after running previous step which is Step 2. Start the private test network).

curl   -X POST   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   --data '{"method":"zond_getBlockByNumber","params":["latest", false],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' | jq -e


If you want to easily see what ports are mapped to 8545 you can use this command

docker ps --format '{{.Ports}}' | grep 8545 | sed 's/'

3. PreMined Coins or Funding Accounts at Genesis

cd qrysm
nano scripts/local_testnet/network_params.yaml

In the yaml, under prefunded_accounts:

Add your Zond address with balance and restart the network

Once you restarted your network you can check the balance by the following command, (Replace MAPPED_PORT by the local mapped port for 8545 and YOUR_ADDRESS with the Zond address that you added in previous step)

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:MAPPED_PORT --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"zond_getBalance","params":["YOUR_ADDRESS", "latest"],"id":1}'

Released under the MIT License.